We are all Zuabi

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The situation of Palestinian citizens of Israel (as they prefer to call themselves --“Israeli Arabs” in the Israeli media parlance) has never been great. But this cry from the heart from a moderate voice suggests a serious deterioration. It is a reason for alarm. Law after discriminatory law is being debated in the Knesset , attacks on the community’s own MPs are getting stronger. While there are several readings for the laws to go through, the situation is worsening rapidly, certainly the campaign against Zuabi is unabated. If you care about Israel, or its Palestinian citizens or human rights generally.
 Zuabi and having an interesting conversation in Hebrew with her I concur with Andreus’ assessment of her as an uncompromising fighter for her party's principles both domestically and abroad.
By Zuheir Andreus
Palestinian community to Libya a few months ago, MK Hanin Zuabi (Balad ) stood out in particular - the only woman in the "Arabs of 1948" delegation invited to visit Muammar Gadhafi. When we met with Gadhafi in his tent in the town of Sert, this remarkable woman showed courage that is rare in these parts.
Marry four women and bring many children into the world to fight the Israelis. Zuabi, who is known for her struggle for the rights of Palestinian women in Israel, did not hesitate and pointed out to Gadhafi that his philosophy was not acceptable to her because it oppresses women. The tent went silent. It's not customary to interrupt the leader, we had been told in the briefing before the meeting. Gadhafi listened and simply went on with his speech.


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