India Asks Myanmar To Take Strict Action Against Insurgent

Friday, December 31, 2010

In this photograph taken on June 25, 2009 an ethnic Chin refugee mother and child sit in a corner near a calendar bearing a Cross in their living quarters in New Delhi. The majority of Chins practice Christianity as a religion, which refugees claim is suppressed in Buddhist-majority Myanmar. About 100,000 ethnic minority Chin refugees from Myanmar, fleeing persecution from the military junta, are living in India, according to a 2008 survey. The majority of Chin refugees live in eastern India's Mizoram state while a smaller number, currently numbering about four thousand, reside in the Indian capital.Expressing concern on the activities of the insurgent group operating along the India-Myanmar border, India has asked the Myanmar Government to take strict action against them.
Secretray G K Pillai raised the issue during his talks with the visiting Myanmar Deputy Minister for Home Affairs U. Phone Swi at the sixteenth 'Home Secretary Level' talks between the two nations. leaders of two delegations exchanged the instrument of 'Ratification of Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty' on criminal matters by signing the Protocol of Exchange.
arms smuggling, drug trafficking, border management, border trade etc.


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