UK Education

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Marks In English Exam:
A review has been launched after a top examiner gave a GCSE English candidate marks for writing only a two word expletive on their exam paper.
Assessment and Qualification Alliance's (AQA) chief examiner for GCSE English, gave the pupil two marks out of a possible 27 for writing "fuck off" on the exam paper. The Times Mr Buckfield defended his leniency by saying that the candidate had demonstrated more skills than one who doesn't write anything at all.
Abody representing the exam boards, said that examiners were required to report instances of "inappropriate, offensive or obscene material" in exam scripts.
The example cited was unique in the experience of the senior examiner concerned and was used in a pre-training session to emphasise the importance of adhering to the mark scheme: i.e. if a candidate makes any sort of response to a question then it must be at least given consideration to be awarded a mark. in the light of this incident we will be reviewing our instructions to examiners which will include reiterating the procedure to be followed when encountering obscenities in scripts.
Students Accused Of Degree Fraud:
Phil Willis, Lib Dem MP for Harrogate and Karesborough and Chair of the Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Select Committee.a few days after a university lecturer blew the whistle on her institution's approach to recruiting postgraduates who lack even basic English skills.
BBC to corroborate what the whistleblower had said. Several of the email correspondents claimed that their institutions were happy to turn a blind eye to overseas postgraduates with poor language skills.
Institutions are reluctant to penalise these students, because they recognise that such cutting and pasting may be acceptable in different cultures.
The quality of our higher education product - with several of our universities in the top 100 universities in the world - is dependent on the quality of research and the quality of the students doing the research.
Parents Give Green Lights For Village School:
Villagers of Bolnore in West Sussex are the first parents in England to win the right to open their own school. Due to Government legislation the authority had to put the proposal for the new site out to tender.
We're incredibly excited to be given the opportunity to create a new school that will meet the needs of all our children,  It's about bringing together the best people to ensure that every child can flourish and reach their full potential.
This shows that our policy of increasing choice and diversity for parents and pupils is really working. We want new and distinctive groups to get involved in education where this has the support of the local community.
 particularly welcome the involvement of parents and local residents themselves who know the needs of the children and the area. I congratulate the Bolnore School's Group on their success, and wish them all the best for the future.


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