Free Credit Report UK

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Credit report is very important for the people of United Kingdom. The lending agencies, the 
landlords and the insurance companies secure the credit report of a person before they take decision to provide services of their own. This is to mean that a person with unhealthy credit report cannot secure loans or mortgages and that he cannot find an accommodation to live as a tenant. He cannot even purchase an insurance policy.
Credit card info from a credit report
 Trans Union in the main, create the credit reports with the materials containing financial performances of the borrower which they acquire from numbers of lending organizations. Credit report of a person is used to generate his credit score. A person with a credit score of less than 580 marks is not entertained by the lenders, landlords and insurance companies. People should secure free credit repot UK.
A credit report created with wrong data may lower the credit score of a person. Hence, there is legal provision to help the people. When a person is refused by the lenders or landlords or insurance companies, he can apply for getting his credit report, and he can apply to the credit bureaus so that he is given a copy of the free credit report UK.
If he finds that there are mistakes in his credit report, he should approach the credit bureaus for getting the mistakes corrected. It is possible that his credit score is favorable for him after his credit report is duly corrected. The credit bureaus must send him a copy of the corrected credit report. It is again obligatory for the credit bureaus to send a copy of the rectified credit report to the agencies (lenders/landlords/insurance companies) with whom he has tried to maintain or start relations during the last six months. As per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, people can avail a copy of the free credit report UK, and the credit bureaus are legally bound to oblige them. If a person finds that his unhealthy credit report is free from errors, he can take steps to improve his credit status and can plan for the future.


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