Myths About Setting Up Your Own Personal Domain And Website Busted

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Financially, your own websites opens up a plethora of money making opportunities for you and your career. Socially, you will get to meet many different people from around the world and form friendships and business partnerships.
It will also bolster your confidence and make you stand out in a crowd. After all, not many people can say that they have secured a domain that is their own name (how many of your friends have a dotcom to their name? Right, few to none). And yet, even while knowing all of its benefits.

Anyone can have a domain, just as anyone can have a Blog. In fact, you should be having a Blog at your very own domain INSTEAD of blogging on a shared domain such as, since you're not giving up control of your own content to by doing so. 
2. It's Hard To Do
Perhaps around 5 to 10 years ago, the above may have been true. But with such amazing advancements in technology, creating and maintaining your website is a cinch. 

Wordpress is one example of a great blogging platform you can set up on your own domain to start blogging. It's extremely simple to use - just like using any writing program e.g. Microsoft's "WORD" word processing program

3. It Takes A Lot Of Time To Set Up
This, again, is another myth that no longer holds true with the advent of new technology. You can have your domain and blog set up for you with many hosting providers in just a day or two!

And all you'll really have to do is fill out a form and pay for them, which brings us to our next point.

4. It's Expensive
Domains are at their lowest prices ever. You can easily secure your domain at less than $10/year. That's less than what you would pay for dinner!

And charges for the hosting of your web site or Blog are just a few dollars every month. The amount you would invest in your domain is thus INSIGNIFICANT when compared to the great benefits you will reap. 

5. It's Hard To Maintain
Once your Blog is up and running, all you'll need to do is to write a blog post every other day, which will take up barely any time once you get the hang of it!


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